Ants Climbing the Tree

Does this Chinese dish sound familiar to you? Also know as ants climbing a tree, this popular recipe from the Sichuan province (where a famous "Pepper") consists of beef or pork cooked in a sauce with soy noodles.

It turns out that When cooking this food, the pieces of meat adhere to the noodles, evoking an image similar to that of ants walking through the branches of a tree.

Image: missygluton

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      Lydia martinez said

    hahaha I've always been curious and more than once I wanted to try them believing they were real ants !!!! hahahaha being like this next time I ask for sure !!!

      Marta Gonzalez Martin said

    hahahaha, how nice that you tell us what it is, we have always been curious and we have never dared to ask. I love it.

      Rocio Cabot Diaz said

    I already know what I'm going to do to eat today!

      zippot said

    You explain it out of pain! I have done it wrong for your annotations, there is a video that explains it much better! Old harpy !!!