Often on New Years Eve We are already a little fed up with the traditional Christmas sweets and we like to give the end of the year a more original, festive and fun touch. To have a colorful and childish desktop we can serve some of the striking drinks without alcohol for children that we have been proposing at Recipe for celebratory after-dinner parties.
As companions to these cocktails, we are going to teach you how to prepare some cupcakes that, due to their shape and color, will cause a sensation among the little ones at the party. It's about the macaroni, not the pasta but some sweets made from egg whites, sugar and almonds that are baked and acquire a crunchy texture on the outside but fluffy and meringue on the inside. To enhance its flavor and color, ingredients such as strawberries, chocolate, hazelnuts or lemon are added.
I like the macaroni, please send me the recipe and the steps you can use wheat flour instead of almonds
I'm from a pastry shop, and I need macaroni to make Italian sweet. I need to contact me please or send me a phone number. My name is Maria Antonia and I am in Madrid 0034 91 316 64 44. Thank you
Thanks for this sweet macaron recipe. I took note and will try to do it.
Keep posting1 recipes that are very welcome.
Greetings and good luck!
One question, how many macaroni are in this recipe?