Spaghetti with green beans, zucchini and bacon

Spaghetti carbonara

We are going to prepare some spaghetti with green beans, zucchini and bacon. They are very reminiscent of spaghetti carbonara because we are also going to add a cream made from egg and Parmesan.

First we will sauté el bacon and the vegetables in the pan, without oil thanks to the bacon. Meanwhile we will be cooking the spaghetti in a saucepan so that, once cooked, we can add it to the rest of the ingredients. 

And now comes the part Butter. We can mix the egg and parmesan in a bowl or use a food processor. If we have the help of a Thermomix-type food processor, we will use it to heat this cream and thus pasteurize the egg. We do not have? It's okay, we always have the option of putting the pan on the heat for a few minutes once we have added the mixture.

More information - Brussels sprouts with potatoes

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